Dr.Sivinee Sawadi-Aree welcomes QTFT to visit quantum lab

Dr.Sivinee Sawadi-Aree, Head of Electrical Metrology Department welcomed Asst.Prof.Dr.Thaned Pruttivarasin and his staff from Quantum Technology Foundation (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (QTFT) to visit NIMT’s laboratories. For this visiting, the staff will gain their knowledge on metrology for quantum technology. The quantum technology will be a spotlight to develop Thailand’s future industrials. It was held at […]

Dr.Charun Yafa NIMT Assistant Director welcomes Rear Admiral Komsan Klinsukon, Deputy Surgeon General, Hydrographic Department, Royal Thai Navy to visit NIMT.

Dr.Charun Yafa, Assistant Director together with Dr.Sivinee Sawadi-Aree, Head of Electrical Metrology Department and her metrologists welcomed Rear Admiral Komsan Klinsukon, RTN, Deputy Surgeon General of Hydrographic Department and his entourage to visit NIMT’s Time and Frequency laboratory and discussed cooperation between both organizations, especially, national time scale; UTC(NIMT), disseminated Thailand Standard Time. The meeting […]

Sivinee Sawadi-Aree welcomed CU students for laboratory site-visit

Dr.Sivinee Sawadi-Aree, Head of Electrical Metrology Department accompanied with Dr.Thayathip Thongtan, Dr.Ketsaya Vacharanukul and Khun Witchuda Chitkosal welcomed a group of Chulalongkorn university students to visit Time and Frequency standard laboratory, Angle standard laboratory and Pressure and vacuum laboratory. The students have been earned knowledge related to metrological laboratory. It was a partial subject of […]

NIMT and TU discusses quantum research to the further innovation and cooperation

NIMT welcomed Asst.Prof.Dr.Yingyot Infahsaeng, head of the department of physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasart University (TU) and his fellows to visit NIMT metrological laboratories on June 29, 2022 at Phadung Matra building, NIMT. On this occasion, Dr.Sivinee Sawadi-Aree, head of electrical metrology department and Dr.Piyapat Phoonthong, senior metrologist jointly welcomed visitors and had […]