IRO organizes online meeting on PM10 and PM2.5 from Haze smog and visibility effect in Thailand

International Relations Office (IRO) Organisational Communication Group as  project manager, hosted the monitoring meeting on the project of PM10 and PM2.5 from Haze smog and visibility effect in Thailand, between NMT and National Institute of Metrology of China (NIM China) under financial supported by Mekong-Lanchang Cooperation Special Fund 2019. NIMT metrologists, International Relations Officers and NIM China experts joined the meeting. The meeting was held online from NIMT, Pathum Thani province on 23 December 2021.

The Center for Environmental Metrology expert Dr. Xu Xiao presented NIM’s Calibration of PM2.5/PM10 Monitors. Dr. Patcharapol Gorgitrattanagul, NIMT metrologist presented his progress on NIMT PM2.5 concentration calibration system. Dr. Padipat Wongthep, Senior Metrologist presented his collected data and related work-study. And Ms. Thanakporn Nontachart presented general outcome such as major goals, tasks, timeframe, interested topics for online technical training and expected outcomes. The meeting objectives were overviewing the activities, planning the coaching online course, and the activities throughout the 2022. The project will be end by December 2022 and apply the outcomes for the benefit of both nations. The meeting schedule as follows;


NIMT-NIM technical discussion on PM2.5 and PM10 cooperation

23 December 2021, UTC 2.00-3.30 am

9.00-10.30 am Bangkok time, 10.00-11.30 am Beijing time

2.00-2.05 am Greetings
2.05-2.25 am NIM’s Calibration of PM2.5/PM10 Monitors

Dr. Xu Xiao

2.25-2. 45 am 1. NIMT’s updates on development of PM2.5/PM10 measurement capabilities


  • Dr. Patcharapol Gorgitrattanagul (Progress on NIMT PM2.5 concentration calibration system)

2. Interested topics for online technical training and expected outcomes 


  • Ms. Thanakporn Nontachart (Major goals, tasks, timeframe, interested topics for online technical training and expected outcomes)
  • Dr. Patcharapol Gorgitrattanagul (Specific interested topics for online technical training)
2.45-3.25 am Discussion

1. NIMT’s operation plan

2. Identify and prioritize topics for online training

3. Q&A on NIMT’s interested topics

3.25-3.30 am Conclusion



  • Dr. Padipat Wongthep, Senior Metrologist, Mechanical Metrology Department
  • Dr. Patcharapol Gorgitrattanagul, Metrologist, Mechanical Metrology Department
  • Dr. Terdsak Neadkratoke, Metrologist, Mechanical Metrology Department
  • Dr. Narin Chanthawong, Senior Metrologist, Dimensional Metrology Department
  • Miss Photjanat Phimnom, Metrologist, Thermometry and Optical Metrology Department
  • Mr. Pollawat Jamparuang, Metrologist, Thermometry and Optical Metrology Department
  • Mr. Natthapong Damduang, Metrologist, Light and Color Group, Thermometry and Optical Metrology Department
  • Dr. Natthaphon Jarat, International Relations Officer
  • Miss Thanakporn Nontachart, International Relations Officer
  • Miss Sudarat Waraphok (PM5 project assistant researcher)


  • Mr. Liu Junjie, Center for Environmental Metrology
  • Dr. Xu Xiao, Center for Environmental Metrology
  • Miss Sophia Li, International Cooperation Department
  • Miss Kelly Yan, International Cooperation Department

Redaction: Natthaphon Jarat and Thanakporn Nontachart, International Relations Officer.