Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Re-Signing Ceremony between National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) (NIMT) and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)

Mrs. Ajchara Charoensook, NIMT Director, and Mr. Mizuhiko Hosokawa, NICT Vice President, in accompany with Flg.Off. Uthai Norranim, NIMT Assistant Director, Dr. Sivinee Sawatdiaree,  Head of  Electrical Metrology Department, Mr. Tassanai Sanponpute, Head of Mechanical Metrology Department and the staffs of the of their respective institutes, re-signed the MOU to collaborate in the field of […]

MoU Re-Signing Ceremony for Cooperation in Metrology between NIMT and the National Institute of Metrology of the People’s Republic of China (NIM)

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Re-Signing ceremony between National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) (NIMT) and National Institute of Metrology of the People’s Republic of China (NIM) was successfully held, making a milestone in tightening the relationship between the two institutes On September 2, 2019. The aims of this MoU includes; (1) Joint-research (2) Training new […]

NIST sponsored Fundamentals of Metrology training course to NIMT young metrologist in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA

Mr. Supachai Tangsupaktada, a NIMT young metrologist was nominated to attend the Office of Weights and Measures’ Fundamentals of Metrology training course, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA from 19 – 23 August 2019. This course had made metrologist from each country realize the potential of working together with […]

NIMT Technical Visiting to NIM Metrology on medical devices and food safety in China

Ms. Charuayrat Yaokulbodee, Acting Head of Thermometry and Optical Metrology Department and NIMT staff paid a technical visit to National Institute of Metrology (NIM) between 7 – 13 July 2019 on Metrology on medical devices and food safety at Changping Campus and Hepingli Campus, NIM, Beijing, China. The aims of this visiting were to technical […]

Mr.QIN Yizhi, Vice Minister, the State Administration for Market Regulations of PR China (SAMR) visited NIMT

Flg. Off. Uthai Norranim, NIMT Assistant Director, Dr. Sivinee Sawatdiaree, Head of Electrical Metrology Department and NIMT members had the honour and pleasure to welcome Mr. Qin Yizhi, Vice Minister, the State Administration for Market Regulations of PR China (国家市场监督管理总局; SAMR) and all of delegates on the occasion of NIMT visiting. The delegates visited laboratories […]

NIMT representative welcomed the Lithuania’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at MOST

Dr.Patipat Wongthep, Metrologist Professional Level and Mr.Natthaphon Jarat, International Relations Officers Professional Level  as NIMT’s representatives joined the Ministry of Sciences and Technology (MOST) in giving a warm welcome H.E. Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania (Beijing) in occasion of her official visiting on 20 February 2019 […]

NIMT and CQT signed a MoU to support future scientific cooperation

Mrs. Ajchara Charoensook, NIMT Director, Flg.Off. Uthai Norranim, Assistant Director, Dr. Sivinee Sawatdiaree, Head of Electrical Metrology Department and  Dr.Piyaphat Phoonthong, Electrical Metrologist visited the Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore on 20 January 2019 to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the visit to promote joint research. The MoU to successful […]

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